Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Actual Size by Steve Jenkins

Jenkins, Steve. 2004. Actual Size. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. ISBN 0547512910

This book is geared for grade 2 but will attract children of all ages. Many animals displayed in this book give the actual size with some facts, weight and length. Many children are not fortunate to see actual sizes of several of the animals displayed in this book in a zoo. Thanks to Jenkins he shows wonderful collage illustrations and children will compare themselves in size to the animals displayed. Jenkins displays a shark’s mouth over two pages with its serrated teeth. Many children will not understand what serrated means but when shown their comprehension will build. One interesting layout that Jenkins shows is when he compares two different animals in size and weight. A way to grab the attention of children is to show a fascinating animal visual on the front cover the book . Here the author grabs the readers attention by showing  a contrasting picture of two animals on the cover page. Some animals are small for the page depicting the size such as the pigmy shrew or the dwarf goby. The author goes to extremes in sizes to show a larger than life world, its beauty and an appreciation for all living things.

When reading children’s nonfiction about animals I think about all the literary elements. This book speaks to children in the lower grades. Each page displays a life size of an animal described and at times part of the animal. Jenkins uses collage to bring out the extraordinary illustrations of each animal. Children will be absorbed in each page not only with the illustrated collages but also with the detailed information on each of the represented animals. Children at the lower grades cannot fully  picture the true size of certain animals but Jenkins illustrates many up to scale. Powerful vocabulary is important to children, here we see the word “serrated”. Just by reading that sharks have serrated teeth one does not need to explain what it means. Therefore giving children a sense of seeing the actual animal in real life. The fold out page of the crocodile and the frog give children a concrete picture of both. Graphics are very appealing to a child’s eye and will wow at each page. This non-fiction book is simple yet powerful to children of all ages.

 Books of the Year Winner 2004 Ages 2 to 4 United States

 Editors' Choice Top of the List Winner 2004 Youth Nonfiction United States
 Orbis Pictus Award for Outstanding Nonfiction for Children Honor Book 2005 United States


*Children will write about which animal they liked best in the book and illustrate it.
*Visit the library and check out books of any animal they like and write an acrostic of the animal they chose and display products.

Lincoln Tells a Joke: How Laughter Saved the President (and the Country) by Kathleen Krull

Krull, Kathleen, & Brewer, P. 2010. Illustrator: Stacy Innerst. Lincoln Tells a Joke: How Laughter Saved the President (and the Country). New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. ISBN: 9780152066390.

We always think of Abraham Lincoln as a serious president with serious issues at hand, but never as a president with a sense of humor. This complete biography shows Mr. Lincoln in a humorous light. Krull and Brewer make light of Lincoln’s life and shows how he overcame many obstacles in his life through humor. Lincoln lived in a bleak log cabin where his bed was made of corn husks and had a strict father. Because Lincoln could read and write his neighbors would hire him to write letters for them. Lincoln loved to read so much which is why his speeches were brilliant. He was a master of grammar. While in office people did not take him seriously because of his humor. The war had begun and Lincoln continued his humor. He said laughter kept him going through tough times. It is said that even in his last moments of life Lincoln was laughing. Lincoln is considered one the best presidents because he kept a nation from breaking apart.

In the last page of the book Krull has notes about her accuracy and its sources. She has a link to his famous serious words, www.lincolnbicentennial.gov/lincolns-life/words-and-speeches. “Lincoln tells a joke” is chronologically organized. Krull begins Lincolns life when he was just a little boy, he then joined the army for three months, attends school to become a lawyer, marries Mary Todd, becomes president and is assassinated.
Its design is very appealing to young readers. Illustrations show the funny side of Lincoln with his quotes in bigger text. Children need to see that quotes must be surrounded by quotation marks to stress dialogue. Illustrations are appropriate and complement the text.
Krulls style is all her own when on each page she begins the first few words of almost every page in big bold print words.This strategy helps to grab the reader in finishing the reading of each page. Again, her quotes are in cursive to give a sense of giving Lincoln a more personal approach. What I noticed is that Krull uses appropriate language for children to easily understand Lincoln’s personality traits.

* Publishers Weekly Book Review Stars, 2010
* School Library Journal Book Review Stars, 2010
* "Laughter is not only good medicine. It can also be a political tool, human motivator, and saving   grace, as the authors show in this upbeat overview of Lincoln’s life. Moving through the sixteenth president’s many challenges, from family deaths to lost elections to fighting slavery, the text emphasizes how Lincoln coped with a joke on his tongue and a smile on his lips."  Booklist (February 15, 2010 (Vol. 106, No. 12))

* Invite students to write their own jokes.
* Teach about quotations and students can write a dialogue within pairs of students.
* Create a compare and contrast with Lincoln and their(student) own life.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Every Day's a Dog's Day: A Year in Poems by Marilyn Singer

Singer, Marilyn. Illus, by Miki Sakamoto. 2012. Penguin Group (USA) Incorporated  ISBN 978-0-8037-3715-0

 In these very humorous poems are four dogs: Fizz, Rosalie, Buddy and Barkley who experience times of the year from the their viewpoint.  Their experiences are different from humans. Spring is about being mischievous and not about flowers. It is written from rhymed couplets to haiku. These dogs see holidays different from humans. They don’t really understand some holidays but they seem to feel it. Fizz shares his experience during Fourth of July when he is not to bark. One particular comical poem takes place during Halloween when the dogs cannot tell the real cats from their costumes. Hilariously funny!

Singer writes this book in rhymed couplets to haiku. She uses short lines to create a rhythm in her poems. She seems to create this intentionally for smooth rhythm.
Her poems rhyme in a comical way. She also creates imagery in which she states,
 “Though you’re fast, you’ll come in last,
     ’cause that cat will set the pace.
  Still, you’ve won because the fun
     is not the finish–IT’S THE CHASE!”

I can’t help but think about a dog running fast, but not as fast as a cat! What a powerful mental image for children. I imagine the the dog running after the cat but he won’t catch it because the cat is too fast. There is a plethora of imagery in this book of poems. Children need to create images in their minds to build understanding and this is a great book to read to them. Her balance of poems are well organized throughout the book. It’s a great way to see the world through the eyes of a dog.
This book of poems is geared for children 3-6 but will entertain any dog lover. Illustrations are appealing to the audience. The dogs always look like they are having mischievious fun with their owners. The thirty poems created by Singer are creative and hilarious to read. Great for a classroom collection. A must read book for all dog lovers.

* Parents' Choice seal; Dog Writers Ass'n. of America award for Best Children's Book, 2012
* Publishers Weekly Reviews : PW Reviews 2012 February #4 - Sakamoto creates blissful scenes of cartoon dogs engaged in familiar behaviors like digging, snoozing, and relating to the kids that love them.
* Booklist Reviews : Booklist Reviews 2012 April #1-The playful rhymes are very simple and filled with physical action, and the rhythm in the words will have young preschoolers joining in ("I must dig a hole / to look for a mole / to bury a bone / to be all alone").

   “My Dog likes to Disco”
    My Dog does my homework
    My Dog plays invisible frisbee

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Crossing Stones by Helen Frost

Frost, Helen. Crossing Stones. New York: Frances Foster Books, 2009. 
ISBN 9780374316532

Frost creates this beautiful free verse novel to entertain the young reader. It is about two Michigan families who live across each other in Crabapple Creek. Setting takes place during WWI.  Both families suffer many struggles that show the events of history. Such as, WWI, influenza outbreak of 1918 and Women’s suffrage. The main character is Muriel Jorgensen. She is outspoken and fights for social justice through her opinions which create conflict against the norm. Muriel becomes friends with Frank Norman who is part of the family that lives across the creek. Because it is during a time when women did not have the same rights as men Muriel finds herself in trouble for speaking her mind. She becomes upset and questions why “boys” are being sent to fight the war. Muriel becomes upset when Ollie ( Muriel’s sibling) enlists after lying about his age. The story ends when Ollie comes home traumatized  and loses an arm. Unfortunately, Frank never comes home and Muriel is heartbroken.

Frost created a unique poetic structure in this free verse in using a “stepping from one stone to the next."  She uses the middle rhyme of one sonnet  as the outside of the next. The 7th and 8th lines of  Emma’s poems rhyme with the first and last lines of Ollie’s poems. The 7th and 8th lines of Ollie’s poems rhyme with the first and last line of Emma’s poem. Helen Frost brilliantly creates Muriel’s free style verse like a creek running over stones. Ollie and Emma are like the stones. From the use of the vivid images one tends to feel the pain these characters are experiencing.  Students from middle and high school can relate to this coming-of-age historical fiction.


*Kirkus Reviews "The Best Young Adult Books of 2009"
*Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC) Choices 2010
*Booklist Editors Choice
*Booklist Top Ten Historical Fiction for Youth
*Lee Bennett Hopkins Award, Honor Book
*YALSA Best Books for Young Adults 2010
*2010 Amelia Bloomer List (Recommended Feminist Literature for Birth - 18)
*Book Links Lasting Connections

*Use as a read aloud and discuss rhyme, rhythm, and alliteration.
* Discuss the feelings of the characters.
* Social studies unit highlighting women’s suffrage.

Monday, October 7, 2013


Hoberman, Mary Ann. 1998. THE LLAMA WHO HAD NO PAJAMA. Ill. by Betty Fraser. San Diego: Harcourt, Inc. ISBN 0152001115

Mary Ann Hoberman has compiled many of her poems in, “The Llama who had no pajama”... The poems range from brothers to snow to eating yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread and many insects as well as animals.

Mary Ann Hoberman creates poems that are simple and yet upbeat. Hoberman creates an anthology of 100 poems that range from short two line poems to two page poems. This is a wonderful resource for teachers. It almost makes you want to sing them out loud. Some can possibly be considered tongue twisters. Children will love being silly with them! They are fun to read fast. What a great beginner book. The repetition within some of the poems are done beautifully. A good way to teach phonics is in the poem “Rabbit” here Hoberman repeats “bit”(CVC) in rabbit. The subjects in her book are ones that children can relate to. What a great way to instill the love of reading and teach phonics at the same time. The illustrator Betty Fraser created simple illustrations in watercolor.

Horn Book - "This collection of some forty years of Hoberman verse is a charmer. The poems - peppy verses immediately identifiable as Hoberman's by their use of alliteration and repeated words and lines - seem to cover every subject under the sun; all are dependably child-centered."
Gold Award Winner - 1998 National Parenting Publications Awards (NAPPA)
Best Books of the Year - Child Magazine

* Other books by Mary Ann Hoberman:

    THE COZY BOOK ISBN 0152019561

* Students can create their own poems and/or compile their favorite Mary Ann Hoberman poems.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Beautiful Blackbird by Ashley Bryan

Bryan, Ashley. 2003. BEAUTIFUL BLACKBIRD. New York: Simon and Schuster.
ISBN-10: 0689847319

In this folktale Beautiful Blackbird tells the story of how the birds of Africa used to be many bright colors. The only bird that had any black on his feathers was the blackbird. He was thought to be the most beautiful of all the birds. Suddenly Ringdove wants to be black like beautiful blackbird.  After Ringdove calls all the birds to a festival he asks a question to all birds, “Who is the most beautiful of all the birds?” Everyone responds with “Blackbird is the most beautiful.” Soon after other birds want to have the color black on them so they too will be beautiful. Blackbird agrees to paint them black but, wants them to realize that it is not the color on the outside that makes them beautiful , it is what on the inside.

It displays a universal meaning in appreciating ones heritage and finding beauty within and not what lies on the outside. I believe the main theme/message that Ashley Bryan sends is to be happy with who you are and not to become someone you are not.
Its style features sounds of onamataepia when Ringdove aks a question, “Coo-coo-roo, coo-ca-roo”. I imagine hearing Ringdove’s call. It has a rhythm that children are familiar with and repetition which is important in literacy.Its message displays a sense of pride in one’s heritage. It has a rhythm that children are familiar with and repetition which is important in literacy. Its message displays a sense of pride in one’s heritage. Initially the story represents black as beautiful however, the Blackbirds message of “Color on the outside is not what’s on the inside. You don’t act like me. You don’t eat like me. This self affirming message is that all races are important not only African-American.

Publishers Weekly
School Library Journal

*Lesson plans for Beautiful Blackbird are found on: https://www.roundrockisd.org/docs/4-beautiful_blackbird.pdf

The Three Little Pigs by Leslie L. Brooke

Brooke, L.Leslie , 1904.The Three Pigs. Frederick Warne & Co. – United Kingdom, United States

In this well known children’s story three little pigs are sent out to live on their own as their mother does not have enough food to feed them. So the three little pigs set out to seek their fortune. Each of the little pigs  build house made of different materials. A big, bad wolf blows down the house of the first two little pigs but cannot blow down the house of the third little pig as his house is made of bricks. After trying to outsmart the little pig several ways the wolf is outwitted by the pig. The wolf becomes angered by the pigs cleverness and decides to climb into the pigs chimney where the pig awaits the wolf with a cauldron of boiling water. The wolf falls into the boiling cauldron and the proceeds to cook and eat the wolf.

The setting is in no particular place but if I were to ask one of my students they would say “outdoors and inside the pig with the brick house”.
The theme is of deception where the pig deceives the wolf. It shows how evil does not always avail and that good conquers all. This tale features anthromorphic animals. I believe that the wolf represents evil as a wolf is cunning and is always looking for a victim. The pig on the other hand, represents the innocence of those who cannot take care of themselves(children) and through persistence and determination one is able to achieve happiness. This tale has repetition when it states,” Not by the hair of my chinny, chin, chin”. People refer to this  proverbial phrase at times or when needed. I find only reading this phrase once to my students and they will remember when asked to repeat it on their own and showing any of the words. Students find joy in reading it out loud with intonation.
I have read several themes of the three little pigs and find that the illustrations on some represent the pigs more in human form. They are clothed however, the original stories show the pigs in their natural form. Meaning as a society we value now how we look and not necessarily about the true meaning and innocence of the story.

Reviewer – Chamira
Country – United States
Age – 9
Languages Spoken – English
How does this book make you feel?

How would you rate this book?
4 stars

*Reader's Theatre- Fractured fairy tales on The True Story of the Three Little Pigs.
Students will perform a play.
*Mini unit: http://www.hubbardscupboard.org/writing_notebooks.html

Monday, September 23, 2013

The Lion and the Mouse by Jerry Pinkney

Pinkney, Jerry. The Lion and the Mouse. New York: Little, Brown, and Co. Books for Young Readers, 2009.

This is a simple but powerful wordless book. It is relevant to children in that even a simple little mouse can make a difference in a huge way. The setting of this particular story is in the African Serengeti.
A little mouse is found jumping on a lion’s back. When the lion awakes he becomes upset at the little mouse. The mouse asks for forgiveness and pleads with the lion to let him go. The mouse tells the lion his kind deed will be returned to him. The angry lion thinks about it and allows him to leave. One day the lion is captured and begins to roar very loudly. The little mouse hears him and comes to his rescue. In the end the lion and the mouse become friends.

The theme of this Aesop fable is one of friendship. One good turn deserves another. Children can believe that in this world(jungle) even they can make a difference in someone’s(Lion) life. It gives children a sense of belonging and makes their life meaningful.
Mr. Pickney’s  only words in his book are “grr” and “putt-putt” of the jeep and the “scratch” of the mouse when freeing the lion. It helps children understand that sounds can be put into words(onomatopoeia) which is the understanding and beginning of good writers. He illustrates the story in beautiful watercolors that are vivid and detailed. His sense of repetition, and use of animals makes it a great book for children
*2010 Caldecott Medal Winner
*Randolph Caldecott Medal
*Best Illustrated Book of 2009

Read, explore and sequence a fable.
  1. A lion's tale
    • Open the website Aesop's Fableshttp://www.umass.edu/aesop/fables.php.
    • Find The Lion and the Mouse in the index and select the traditional version.
    • Look at the pictures and predict who, where, when and what the fable may be about.
    • Discuss and compare the fable's characters (e.g. lion big, powerful, hunter; mouse little, weak, prey).
    • Read the fable.
    • Discuss the main events, problems, solutions and moral of the fable.
    • Think about other possible morals for the story and make a note of your ideas (e.g. be kind to one another).
  2. Which came first, the lion or the mouse?
    • Complete the Activity sheet, The lion and the mousehttp://www.learningplace.com.au/sc/online/eng_2/EY2_07_ACT_LionMouse.pdf.
      • Read the sentence beginnings.
      • Cut out the sentence beginnings and place in order.
      • Read the sentence endings.
      • Cut out the sentence endings and match them to the sentence beginnings.
      • Glue the completed sentences on the second page.
    • Read the completed work for understanding.
    • Discuss how the endings have improved the fable.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Confetti Poems for children By Pat Mora

Mora, Pat. 1996. Confetti: Poems for Children. New York; NY: Lee and Low Books. ISBN: 9780329112806

Mora creates this wonderful book of poems about a little girls experience. She draws upon her own experience as a child with each poem. Each poem touches upon the happy Hispanic life of child. Some of the poems reflect the colors of the poem. These poems enrich a child’s imagination through its beautiful colors and words. Small pieces of confetti are seen throughout the book as a way of reinforcing her title. All the colors reinforce the plethora of beauty the culture represents.

In each poem Mora creates a strong rhythm that helps a child build fluency through repetition.  Her poems create mental pictures which is important in helping children build abstract concepts. These free verse poems are written for kids but any adult who has experienced a similar childhood cannot help but reflect on their own life as a child. Mora nicely mixes Spanish and English words creatively. The reader immediately knows the meaning of the Spanish words used. The poem Castanet Clicks  is a perfect example:
Castanet Clicks
Uno, dos
one, two
Baskets blue

Tres, cuatro
three, four
one more bell.

Mora cleverly has them in italics to help indicate which are the spanish words.The acrylic illustrations created by Sanchez captures the feel of the southwest hispanic culture. As a proud Latina woman who resides in the southwest part of Texas I can easily relate to the little girl portayed in her poems. Mexican Magician is a poem that stands out to me. Her choice of words builds a strong mental picture of a bakery and the smell of fresh bread baking where she states,”With cinnamon and anise”. It resonates a proud, rich, colorful culture filled with joy and beautiful memories (Orgullo por mi cultura y gente) Proud of my culture and people.
“This collection of poems is as much fun to look at as it is to read”- Booklist

“Warmly evokes familiar touchtones of Mexican-American life.”- Kirkus Review

“Narrative poems in free verse capture the rhythms and uniquieness of Southwest and its culture as seen through the eyes of a Mexican-American girl...”-School Lbrary Journal

*more books by Pat Mora
      Mora, Pat. 1997. Tomás and the library lady. Ill. by Raúl Colón. New York: Knopf
        Distributed by Random House. ISBN 0152054979
      Mora, Pat. 2009. Book fiesta! : Celebrate children's day/book day. Ill. by Rafael López. New           York, NY: Rayo. ISBN 978006128877

 *Create free verse poems in Writers Workshop

*Choose poems from Confetti to use during April as part of the celebration of National Poetry       Month.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Millions of cats by Wanda Gag

Gag, Wanda. 1928. Millions of Cats. New York, NY: Penguin Group. ISBN 9780399233159

This wonderful text and illustrated picture book tells a story of an lonely elderly couple. The wife wants a cat to love and asks her husband to find a cat and bring it home. After finding a hill covered with cats he ends up taking all of them home.  At home his wife is stunned to find so many cats and is worried how they will be able to feed them. After the cats get into a fight the elderly couple end up with a small scrawny cat. The setting takes place in a quaint little cottage surrounded by flowers. Cottage is simple and plain. Here the setting appears to take place in a isolated area because couple are lonely yet happy. Elderly woman is dressed in 1920’s dress with a simple bonnet.
 Illustrations are simple and yet to the point. Children are used to bright colors and lots of designs. Sometimes too much illustration can lose the meaning of a story because children pay attention to pictures more than the story. However, children look at the pictures and relate to some issues this elderly couple face such as poverty, loneliness, and aging grandparents as well as being a responsible cat owner. The story then becomes meaningful to them.

The couple are depicted as poor and simple people yet rich in love. The representation here is one of challenges(loneliness) that can be overcome with love(kitten). In this story a message is raised about beauty and how as a society we tend to judge people and things based on how beautiful they are.  Wanda Gag uses aesthetic issue to make a scrawny little cat “pretty”, Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Wanda Gag uses rhyme and rhythm to make the story entertaining for children. “Hundreds of cats, thousands of cats, MILLIONS OF CATS!!!The first time I read this book to my students I raise my voice to show expression.The following day I read this book again to my students and omitted the words “Hundreds of cats, thousands of cats, MILLIONS OF CATS!!!” and look at my students as a cue for them to say it. They get a laugh out of it as they repeat it. They learn to memorize phrases  and at the same time have fun doing it. Reading becomes fun and meaningful.

1929 Newbery Honor Award
1958 Lewis Carroll Shelf Award (posthumous)
SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL – “One Hundred Books that Shaped the Century”
THE NEW YORK TIMES – “A perennial favorite.”


*Teach children to be responsible owners
*Memorization skills by reading other books that repeat phrases
*Author study of Wanda Gag

This is not my hat by Jon Klassen

Klassen, Jon. 2012. THIS IS NOT MY HAT. Somerville, MA: Candlewick. ISBN: 978-0-7636-5599-0

A little fish steals a hat from a huge fish. The little fish is confident that the big fish will not catch him because the hat is too small for the big fish. He even brags that he stole it from a big sleeping fish. The little fish justifies it by saying it doesn’t fit him anyway. As he is swimming away he knows it is wrong to steal the hat so goes to a place where plants grow big and tall and close together. The fish boasts to the crab who saw him take the hat and says" he wouldn't tell anyone which way I went." But on the very next page, the crab is seen pointing the way of the little fishes’ escape route. Finally the little fish enters the plants with the big fish trailing behind. The big fish emerges from the plants with his hat on. The whereabouts of the little fish is unknown.YIKES!!!

In this funny little story that takes place under the sea. The little fish is overconfident about stealing but ends up being confronted by the owner of the hat. The end does not show what happened to the little fish only the big fish coming out from the plants. The life lesson in this story shows that stealing is wrong and eventually someone will know. The lesson here makes it humorous but teaches children that there are consequences for actions.
The colors Klassen uses are easy for the eye of a child. He makes the big fish larger than life. He uses lots of black and browns Children will want to see what happens next (anticipation). He uses repetition on several pages, “And even if he does…”
When I read this book I implement strategies that I teach my students. 1) First time I read the book for enjoyment 2) Read it again to catch meaning and/or literary elements.
Although I have not read this book to my students I will definitely enjoy reading to them.

*Winner of the Caldecott Medal, 2012
*A Junior Library Guild Selection

*This story is great for predicting what will happen next and justify their prediction. It engages students in reading. One can even omit words and they can insert their own words into making their own story.
*This is a great way to teach children that stealing is wrong.